Story World Explorers
Story World Explorers
#48 - In Conversation with Horace Flournoy
This week’s guest is our new friend, Horace Flournoy! Horace is an experienced entrepreneurial manager, with a talent for building creative, technology-focused business and revenue models. He’s the founder of SwayBrand that helps brands connect with their target audiences through diverse “Authentikas” to execute authentic campaigns. They often get mistaken for an influencer marketing company, but they help brands and Authentikas find and curate authentic, long term partnerships.
We spoke about how most brands are commoditizing influencers, the fallacy of trickle down influence, and the amazing insight you can get from your Authentikas about what your audience is saying about you.
It’s an authentic and needle-moving conversation! Seriously, don’t miss this one.
Follow Horace:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hflournoy/
Watch the Conversation here: https://youtu.be/0ykKrn6QGgo
#swaybrand #Authentikas #influencer #influencermarketing #influence #branding #brand #socialmedia #marketing #advertising #thinkradical #Clovispoint #podcast #inconversation #attention #earnattention
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