Story World Explorers
Story World Explorers
#46 - In Conversation with Angie Trigilio & Emily Sandberg
This week’s guests are our new friends, Angie Trigilio & Emily Sandberg! Angie is a Creative Director turned Creative Coach based in Chicago. After nearly two decades in the corporate world, she pivoted to focus on the part of her job she loves the most and where she could have the biggest impact – mentoring, developing and coaching creative professionals. Emily is a writer, content person and the Editorial Director at The Zebra. Together, they host the podcast The Artist at Work.
We spoke about creatives in corporate positions, the phycological blocks with Social Media, and the power of encouraging employees with their passion projects.
It’s an artistic conversation!
Follow Angie & Emily:
The Artist at Work (TAAW)
- Podcast: https://theartistatwork.buzzsprout.com/
- Insta: https://www.instagram.com/artistatworkpod/
- Business: https://checkpluscoaching.com/
- Business Insta: https://www.instagram.com/checkplus_coaching/
- Personal Insta: https://www.instagram.com/angilio/
- Insta: https://www.instagram.com/emilysandberg/
#TAAW #podcast #creatives #artist #storytelling #socialmedia #brand #employee #passion #marketing #advertising #thinkradical #Clovispoint #podcast #inconversation
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